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Filed under: C&C Generals / CnC Generäle, Mac, PC

Patch 1.6

Dear C&C Generals players,

GOOD NEWS: Here’s the latest…we have made it through our internal EA testing & approval process! This was our last hurdle for releasing Patch 1.6.

BAD NEWS: Since it’s late in the week we’ve learned through experience that it’s too late to release until Monday. This will give us a few more days of testing and also ensure a specific time for posting. If something goes wrong the weekend is the worst time for disasters to strike.

Tomorrow we’ll post the exact time the patch will be live on Monday. We don’t expect any problems in our further testing.

Sorry for the delay but we’ve been burned by rushing them out before. This seems like the best course of action for the entire community.

Harvard Bonin
Command & Conquer Generals

Also EA postet morgen die exakte Zeit wann sie den Patch am Montag freigeben. Na dann hat das WARTEN ja doch mal ein Ende.

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