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Turnier verschoben

Das 1vs1 BfME2 Turnier bei BfMETournaments und wurde gestrichen. Und auf den fünften August verschoben. Zur Neu Registrierung. Ihr braucht auf alle Fälle einen Account bei BfMETournament oder bei Clanwars.
:uk: English Version
The tournament wich hosted by BFMETournaments and delayed for some reasons. The new date is August 5th and they are still allowing sign-ups:

To enter this tournament you MUST:
— 1) …have an account on the BTT Forums. If you don’t already have one, you might as well make one right now, and once it is made come back and read the rest of this.
— 2) …have an account on ClanWars ( and a username in the BFME2 League. If you don’t already have an account you should sign-up using the same name you play with online. For info on how to create an account at Clanwars click here

Full rules are here

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