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Filed under: Need for Speed Carbon

Interview mit NFS:C Komponist Trevor Morris

Wie unsere Partnersite nfsUnlimited berichtet, hat ein Interview mit Trevor Morris, dem Komponist des NFS:C Soundtracks, veröffentlicht. Morris hat sich zusammen mit dem berühmten Filmmusik-Komponisten Hans Zimmer ein Studio aufgebaut und arbeitet jetzt dort mit ihm zusammen, sowie an Soloprojekten. Man darf also gespannt sein, was dieser Komponist uns präsentieren wird.

Hier ein kleiner Vorgeschmack 😉

M4G: How would you describe your music for NFS: Carbon and how many minutes of music did you write for the game? (Is there music in-game or have you written music for the cinematics only?)
Trevor Morris: Well, the first thing the EA team and I talked about is not wanting to do just another video game score. So there is a lot of lateral thinking happening. There are huge sections of the game that are just Japanese Taiko and Shakuhatchi Flutes. We kind of visualized a remixed pumped up version of “The Last Samurai.” We did around 40 minutes of totally interactive in- game music, recorded in layers known as “stems” as well as in emotional chapters. John Morgan at EA in Vancouver kind of surgically dices my music into these modular cubes, they are in turn triggered interactively by the gaming events. I also got to score in a more traditional manner to picture, 13 little cinematic FMV movies. That was fun for me, and it’s what I do best, “Tell story” musically as we track the progression of the characters. I love helping turn characters from benevolent to evil though music, it’s so much fun.

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