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Interview mit Amir Rahimi zum Ringkrieg Modus

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IGN hat ein neues Interview mit Amir Rahimi veröffentlicht, indem er über den neuen/verbesserten Ringkriegmodus vom Addon spricht. Das Interview ist leider auf Englisch, wir werden aber natürlich das wichtigste im laufe der Woche ins Deutsche übersetzen. Hier mal ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus dem Interview:
IGN: We’re all about War of the Ring today aren’t we? Well I gotta tell you, I’ve been playing a ton of persistent army RTS games lately so I’m ready to hear what you guys are doing to improve the War of the Ring mode from Battle for Middle-earth II.

Amir Rahimi: There are probably about half a dozen big ticket things that we’re doing here. First of all, we’re allowing persistence of units between the battlefield and the turn based strategy mode. When you jump into an RTS game and build up a huge force and wipe out your opponent, in the base game when you go back out to the strategic map all of those units would evaporate. Most RTSs go either one way or the other. You can either build in the strategic or only in RTS, you can’t really cross over. We’re fixing that by allowing full persistence.

On top of that we’re going to introduce an economy to the living world. If you remember from Battle for Middle-earth II everything was purchased by spending turns. We’re introducing an actual strategic economy where your buildings generate resources for you just like they do in the RTS mode.

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