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Neues zum Rotwk Patch

Der neue EA Admin „Vision“ hat sich zum kommenden Patch für das Addon geäußert. Außerdem gab er bekannt, dass es unvorhersehbare Probleme mit dem Patch gibt. Die gute Nachricht ist, das der Patch kurz vor der Fertigstellung steht.

EALA Vision:

Hey guys,

First off I’d like to thank you all who have been very patient with Pred and I about the release of the beta patch. It’s really appreciated, we try our best to keep you informed and up to date.

The good news is that the offical release version of the patch has entered QA, the final process before being released. Unfortunately, the beta patch has had some unforseeable delays, and we aren’t going to waste anyone’s time with an estimate. Predator will let you know tomorrow if he manages to get approval from the powers-that-be to finalize and release the beta patch, but there is the chance it may not make it before the real thing arrives. We’ll know tomorrow when he makes an official statement.

Below is half of the official change-list, the other half will be out Monday smile.gif

Again, thanks for your patience!

Die kommenden Änderungen im Patch: [MEHR]


– All Mini-hero hordes now respawn one lost unit member every 40 seconds when not in combat starting at Level 3.
– All Lumbermills now cost 350 and spawn 5 workers instead of 4.
– Structure and Technology armor more resistant to Pierce (2% from 20%)
– Factory Armor more resistant to Pierce (2% from 10%).
– Resource Armor more resistant to Pierce (5% from 10%).
– HeroMini Foot more resistant to Slash (45% from 60%); more resistant to Pierce (45% from 60%); more vulnerable to structural (80% from 50%).
– HeroMiniMounted more resistant to Slash (25% from 60%); more resistant to Pierce (35% from 60%); more vulnerable to Structural (80% from 50%); move vulnerable to Specialist (130% from 100%).
– Hero Armor more vulnerable to Slash (40% from 25%); more resistant to Pierce (20% from 25%); more vulnerable to Specialist (30% from 25%); more vulnerable to Crush (50% from 10%); more resistant to magic (35% from 75%); more resistant to Poison (50% from 75%).
– Tough Hero Armor more vulnerable to Specialist (30% from 15%); more vulnerable to Crush (35% from 10%); more resistant to Flame and Frost (20% from 25%); more resistant to Magic (25% from 50%); more vulnerable to Hero (65% from 50%); more resistant to Structural (40% from 50%).
– HeroLight Armor more vulnerable to Crush (50% from 15%); more resistant to Flame (25% from 35%); more resistant to Frost (35% from 45%).
– HeroArmorMounted more resistant to Slash (25% from 50%); more resistant to Pierce (15% from 50%); more vulnerable to Flame and Frost (40% from 25%); more resistant to Magic (50% from 100%); more resistant to Poison (50% from 75%); more vulnerable to Structural (80% from 50%).

Creeps & Powers

– The “Heal” power radius has been reduced to 150 (originally 200) and no longer works on machines or monsters; it restores up to 60% health.
– The Structure Rebuild power timer has been reduced to 4m (originally 6m); further its area of effect has been reduced to 150 (originally 300)
– Both Darkness and Freezing Rain’s recharge time have been reduced to 6m (originally 9m)
– Freezing Rain’s duration now last for 2m30sec.
– Cloud Break’s recharge time has been reduced to 7m30s (originally 8m20s).
– The following powers have been rearranged:
Dwarven – Dwarven riches switched with Summon Hobbit Allies;
Undermine switched with Cloudbreak.
Mordor – Awaken Wyrm switched with Barrage; Barricade switched
with Industry.
Isengard – Summon Wildmen Allies switched with Devastation;
Watcher switched by Fuel the fires.
Goblins – Summon Spiderling Allies switched with Summon
Wildment Allies
– The Barricade archer’s range has been increased to 320 (originally 275)
– Barrage damage has been increased to 400 (originally 150) along with increasing Shockwave’s power to 75 (originally 50).


– Thrall masters now cost 200 (originally 100); Summoned Orc and Slingers are now free (originally 50); Summoned Wolfriders have been reduced to 350 (originally 400).
– Angmar’s Resource building hitpoints have been reduced to 2100.
– Summon Wights ability (15pp) now summons 5 wights instead of 4.
– Sorceress Well of Soul heal radius has been reduced to 60 (originally 75).
– Sorceress Rain of Corpses recharge has been reduced to 3m20sec (originally 4m).
– Rhudar Axethrower damage has been reduced to 45 (originally 75)
– Rogash’s Leap ability recharge has been increased to 1m30sec (originally 1m); Battle Rage’s duration has been reduced to 1m (originally 1m30sec).
– Sorcerer’s speed has been increased to 40 (originally 35).
– The Dark Ranger’s Longshot ability now requires the unit to be Level 2; more vulnerable to Crush damage (200% from 100%)
– Rhudaur Spearmen more resistant to Pierce (75% from 100%).
– Karsh’s cost has been increased to 2000.
– Snow Trolls more vulnerable to specialist (175% damage from 125%).


– Borormir’s horn area of effect has been reduced to 70 (originally 100); horn’s recharge timer has been increased to 1m30sec (originally 1m).
– The Knights of Dol Amroth now have their damage to fortresses reduced by 50%.
– Increased the movement of Gondor Soldiers, Archers and Rohan spearmen to 50 (originally 45); member speed has been increased to 55 (originally 50).
– Tower guard more resistant to Pierce (75%/40% from 90%/50%).
– Rohan Spearmen more resistant to Pierce (75% from 100%).
– Gondor Soldier more resistant to Pierce (75%/35% from 85% /40%)
– Knights more resistant to Pierce (45% from 55%)
– Rohirrim more resistant to Pierce (50% from 60%); more vulnerable to Pierce with shield (40% from 35%).
– The Ranger’s Longshot ability now requires the unit to be Level 2; more resistant to Pierce (75% from 90%).
– The Level 3 Archery upgrade cost has been decreased to 500 (originally 1000).
– The Fire arrow upgrade now requires a Level 3 Barracks.


– Dwarven Axethrower damage has been reduced to 45 (originally 75); more resistant to Pierce (70%/35% from 90%/45%).
– Dwarven Guardian more resistant to Pierce (50%/25% from 60%/30%).
– Dwarven Pikemen more resistant to Pierce (45% from 70%).
– Battle wagon more resistant to Slash (30%/15% from 50%/25%); more resistant to Pierce (20%/10% from 30%/15%); Battle Wagon’s Oil decay now 2 with a reload of 1m20sec (originally 1m).


– Haldir now cost 1200.
– Mirkwood archers now require a Level 2 Barracks.
– The Level 2 Barrack upgrade cost has been increased to 1000.
– The Gaint Eagle’s health has been increased to 3000 (originally 2000); cost has been reduced to 1500 (originally 2000); more vulnerable to slash (25% from 0%); more resistant to Flame (30% from 50%); more resistant to Magic (30% from 50%); suffers a 70% damage penalty vs. heroes; speed increased (120 from 88).
– Lorien warrior more resistant to Pierce (75%/40% from 100% /50%).
– Rivendell Archer more vulnerable to Crush (100% /100% from 1%/1%)
– Rivendell Lancer more resistant to Pierce (45%/25% from 60%/30%).


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