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C&C4 Developer Q&A Nummer 7

Eben erschien das neue C&C4 Developer Q&A. Diese Ausgabe ist bereits die Nummer 7 und beantwortet wieder einige Fragen der User.

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Viel Spaß!

Will the player be able to use Forgotten units in multiplayer?

Yes! The Visceroid, Forgotten Ironback, and soon-to-be-named Forgotten Mutant Bus ( are all playable units in multiplayer, built from the mutant hovel. Currently these units build instantly but have a limit per unit, allowing a player to quickly replenish their forces from a set point on the battlefield.

Does the defense class have any tank units?

The defense class utilizes several tanks oriented around a defensive focus. The Spartan Tank, for example, has less health than many other tanks, but turns into a stationary turret on death with heavier armor. The Rhino Tank is a long-range artillery that constantly fires off low-level sonic waves around itself when deployed, slowing and damaging enemies. Both units fit the doctrine of the Defense Class – get in, set up, lay down the hurt. Nod’s toys are even more fun, including the damage-reflecting Centurion and an enormous Tiberium vein detonator called the Aftershock.

Now that tier 3 aircraft have been created for GDI and Nod, what are some examples of these new flying menaces?

In the aftermath of a Tiberium-covered world, GDI and Nod have both put significant resources into creating a fleet of heavy capital ships. The GDI command ship, the Kodiak, sports three triple-barreled artillery cannons capable of laying waste to ground forces at range, as well as an array of anti-aircraft guns that can chew through light aircraft. When upgraded, the Kodiak can transform, becoming much more heavily defended, faster, but unable to attack. When in this defensive mode, it also grants an armor bonus to nearby allies. On the Nod side, the Leviathan mobile command facility can launch enormous fireballs from three devastating flame launchers and houses a hanger bay that can be upgraded with a wing of swift fighters. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Do superweapons work in a similar way as previous C&C games? How hard is to tech up to build one, and how long is the cool down time?

In CnC4, we wanted to make an effort to make superweapons a little more interesting, but also less game-changing. With the removal of large, stationary bases, we also had to revisit what a superweapon actually did to change the battlefield, which ultimately unlocked us to improve the arsenal of both GDI and Nod in some very cool ways. The newest iteration of the Ion Cannon, for example, consists of six nodes that charge up individually over time. With each node that becomes charged, the weapon gains damage and begins to EMP enemy units. The Ion Cannon has a total of six charge states, with the final state taking about three minutes to charge up. A max-charge Ion Cannon is capable of decimating any small and most medium-sized units caught in the blast, and anything that survives will be EMP’d for a significant period of time. The Temple of Nod has received a similar facelift, and now constructs a missile in three distinct stages. At its base level, the missile does a good amount of damage, but over time Tiberium vapor pods are attached, creating a large, corrosive and damaging cloud at the blast site. If the missile is allowed to charge up to max-level, it gains a Tiberium catalyst, which arcs deadly waves of Tiberium across any units foolish enough not to avoid it.

Is the Nod Avatar returning? What is its combat role in the 4th Tiberium War?

The Avatar is back! In CnC4, the Avatar continues its role as an anti-tank walker, weak to concentrated blasts from powerful laser units. The Avatar can be outfitted with up to five cannons when fully upgraded, allowing it to do some significant damage to enemy forces. As it is damaged, these cannons are blown off of the Avatar, significantly increasing its speed with each cannon lost and allowing the player to retreat the unit to repair and re-arm.

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