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Interview mit Aircraftkiller

Unsere Kollegen von Planet CnC haben ein recht interessantes und ausführliches Interview mit Aircraftkiller, einer der besten Mapper der Renegade-Szene geführt. Dieses Interview dreht sich hauptsächlich um Aircraftkillers Person selbst, z.B. beschreibt er, wie man mit einer Map in der Entwicklung startet und über das, was ihn inspieriert, seine Maps so zu machen, wie sie sind.
Hier schon mal ein kleiner Ausschnitt:

Planet CnC:
What gives you your inspiration for your maps?

Basically anything I see, really. For example, I’ll look at how things are constructed in real life and get loads of inspiration from just that. Everything I see in the world helps me create better levels for Renegade and keeps artistic ideas flowing. This is why I make it a priority to travel often, because I always see something I never knew existed beforehand — this gets translated into what I create, and you see it in the levels I do.

Planet CnC:
Do you have a general idea when you start or do you just start a map and go with it till its finished?

Rarely do I ever have a real idea of what I’m doing. Mostly I just get a vision of what I want to do, or a feeling, and start working. This is why I have about 10 levels in production at once, because mid-way through one level, I’ll start feeling like I should do another one with a different theme. Several levels I’m working on are from the „I remember the way Red AlertTiberian Dawn was meant to be, and I’ll design my levels that way“ idea… You’ll see when they’re ready to show. In fact, I’ll have another level ready tomorrow, I think. Depends on when Lion gets it up on the Den. 🙂

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