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C&C Generäle für den MAC

Aspyr Media arbeitet derzeit an einer Version von Generäle für den Mac von der Firma Apple. Als Erscheinungstermin wird der Januar 2004 angepeilt.

Hier ein Auszug aus der offiziellen Pressemitteilung:
„Aspyr is very pleased to be able to bring Command & Conquer Generals to the Macintosh, it is one of the premiere real-time strategy games on the market and will be a great addition to any Mac gamer’s library,“ said Glenda Adams, Director of PC & Mac Development at Aspyr.

Command & Conquer Generals puts players‘ trigger fingers on the pulse of modern warfare as they become a powerful general and control massive armies of bleeding-edge military weaponry across a globe teetering on the brink of Armageddon. Players can annihilate the opposition in the 22-mission single-player campaign or dish out the damage in global multiplayer mayhem. As a General, smart decisions and victories over enemies will gain players experience points. These points can then be allocated to unlocking new units and weapons of mass destruction

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