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Filed under: C&C Generals Mods, Mac, PC

Interview mit den ‚Star Wars: Imperial Assault‘ Entwicklern

Und wieder gibt es ein Interview mit den Machern der Generals Mod: Star Wars: Imperial Assault. Dieses mal geführt von PlanetCnC. In dem Interview sind viele Informationen über den Stand der Star Wars Mod und viele anderen Neuigkeiten – ein Blick lohnt sich also.

Hier ein kleiner Einblick in das, was euch erwartet:

So what is Imperial Assault? Sure it’s a Star Wars modification, but what exactly is it going to be about?

Imperial Assault is a Star Wars RTS that will include four factions — the Rebellion, the Empire, the Grand Army of the Republic (old republic), and the Separatists. There is a chance we may add a 5th faction, but we’ll worry about that later. We are going to basically have two different storylines going on — one of the days of the trilogy, and one of the times of the clone wars. However, in skirmishes and multiplayer games, you will be able to battle factions from the clone wars against those of the times of the trilogy. This should make for some interesting battles…

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