Filed under: C&C Generals Maps, Mac, PC

CnCDen – WakeIsland

Und es gibt wieder Neues von unserer Partnerseite CnCDen[/URL] zu berichten. Denn Copperhead, hat eine neue Generals Featured Map erstellt. Sie heißt WakeIsland und ist eine 3Player-Map.

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Wake Island: [Created by Copperhead]
-This is a 3-player eye appealing Tropical Island map with several islands interconnected by bridges. Plenty of resources including oil derricks, etc. Several buildings and wooden towers scattered about to garrison. Plenty of room to build. The making of this map was inspired by the bravery of 400 Marines in defending Wake Island from a Japanese onslaught days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Desweiteren wurden noch weitere Multiplayer und Skirmish-Maps veröffentlicht.

Multiplayer & Skirmish Map

Alpha“s The Rock: [by AlphaMF]
-This is a 4-player Desert map designed for close quarters combat. Players separated by mountain ridges. Adequate supply of money and room to build. A few tech goodies available.

Download this new Gen map HERE.

Multiplayer Online ONLY Maps

China Infantry War V2: [by Maxoys45]
-This is a 4-player Temperate map designed for infantry battles. You can ONLY build China infantry, etc. Players start out on plateaus. Plenty money and oil derricks. Adequate room to build. Designed for team play.

Tournament Island V2: [by TeslaTech]
-This is a 4-player Desert Island map. Small map for close quarters combat. Adequate money, oil derricks, and room to build. Fast paced action with this one.