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Filed under: C&C Zero:Hour Maps, Mac, PC

CnCDen – Zero Hour Maps

Und auf der Page von unserer Partnerseite CnCDen[/URL] wurden wieder neue Zero Hour Maps aus eigenen Reihen veröffentlicht. Es handelt sich dabei um Maps mit den Namen: „Wall of China“, „The Iron Ring“, „Conflict Alpha“ und „Quad City“.

Wall of China: [by Rigel6669]
-This is 6-player Temperate map designed for team play. Features walls with lots of bunkers and a river separating the players. There is a very limited amount of money available. You“ll need to rely on oil derricks, black markets and crates for more funds. Should make things interesting. Adequate room to build.

The Iron Ring: [by NOP]
-This is an eye appealing 2-player Temperate map. Features hilly terrain, plateaus, etc. and several small towns. Plenty of money along with a variety of tech structures. Good amount of room to build.

Conflict Alpha: [by J13rx7]

-This is a 2-player Island map…basically „no frills“. Each player starts on his/her own island. Two smaller islands interconnect with the main islands and contain tech goodies. Lots of money and room to build.

Quad City: [by Felicio]

Multiplayer Online ONLY Map. This is a 4-player Urban map. Features a large city in the middle with players starting out on the outskirts of the city. Easily defendable base locations. Adequate supply of money and room to build.

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