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Filed under: C&C Renegade Mods, PC

Neues Scharfschützengewehr bei Reborn!

Das Reborn-Team hat das Snipergeewehr fertig gemoddet! In Reborn wird die GDI Kommandoeinheit diese Waffe tragen und die Animation wird gleich wie beim Ramjetgewehr sein.


Englische Version:
I was bored with the old green template so I decided to change it, the top banner is the best I could or wanted to do :p ! But if you think you can make a better one, just submit to me. I hope you like the „white“…

I also finsihed the last GDI sniper rifle for the GDI commando sniper. The model is from Permgarin, the unwrap was done by nightcrawler and the texture by me.

And the weapon will be added in-game with the animation of the renegade ramjet. Why do we use Renegade anims ? Do you want to see a fantastic animation of reloading that consists in “ weapon under screen“ ? I don“t. Anyway if someone can make something better than Renegade anims, just contact me.

EDIT : Old template back. Waiting for a better one.

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