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Filed under: C&C Renegade Mods, PC

Biker Scout Pistole

Das Team um die Modifikation Renegade: A New Hope hat die Biker Scout Pistole fertiggestellt.

Diese stammt aus Star Wars Episode VI – Rückkehr der Jediritter. In dieser Mod wird diese die Waffe als sekündare Waffe für die imperiale Infanterie dienen. Die Feuerrate ist ziemlich hoch.

Das Model wurde von Exdeath erstellt, geskinnt wurde es von Prometheus. Die Waffe verbaucht insgesamt 1354 Polygone.


English Version
Biker Scout Pistol Completed!
This is the Biker Scout Pistol. It appeared in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, carried by Biker Scouts on the planet of Endor. In our mod, this weapon will function as a secondary weapon for all Imperial infantry. It is fast-firing and conveniently small. It is fairly weak as blaster-type weapons go, but it adequately serves its purpose as a backup in emergencies. This model was by Exdeath, and it was textured by Prometheus. It is 1354 polygons, with a 512×512 TGA texture.

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