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Toxic Fallout SP Mission von DaRkAIEx

{ALLOW_HTML} Preview Beschreibung: Toxic Fallout ist eine wirklich sehr schöne Single Player Mission von DaRkAlEx, am Anfang startet man mit dem Burton und muss einige Vorposten der GLA zerstören dank eines Satelliten könnt Ihr schon mal das Terrain genau erkunden und versteckte Spreng fallen schneller finden. Die Mission ist zwar einfach für Profis aber macht trotzdem viel Spaß, sobald man das Dorf befreit hat und einige USA Einheiten wieder befreien konnte, geht es zur Zerstörung der ersten GLA Basis. Danach bekommt Ihr ein Dozer und die Schlacht geht dann erst richtig los den noch habt Ihr nicht gewonnen.

Die Map an sich wurde wie immer sehr schön gemacht, die Texturen Übergänge sind super geworden und die Landschaft lässt den Spieler in der Mission ordentlich eintauchen.

Also für alle USA Fans ist diese Mission sehr empfehlenswert und lohnt sich auf jeden fall zu spielen.

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Missions Beschreibung:

Toxic Fallout: [Created by DaRkAlEx] This is a single player USA MISSION for Zero Hour. Somewhere on an island in the South Pacific the GLA have set up house and have constructed a Chemical Research Facility (CRF). The GLA are using this facility to refine their toxic chemicals, with successful results. Col. Burton has been called in to assist in it’s demise. In other words, it’s time to kick some butt! Full details of this mission are in the readme file. There’s also a tutorial included should you have some difficulty winning the mission. Good luck General!

First of all, I highly recommend you DON’T read this as it gives away
the entire mission. In my opinion, this just ruins the fun of figuring
it out by yourself. But, if you really are THAT bad at Generals (you
know who you are) then I guess this little guide should help ya out.
Besides, this mission isn’t THAT hard, is it?

-Boot Camp-

So, you just can’t beat the mission eh? Well, these tips and tricks
should help you on your way to victory!

1. Make sure Col. Burton destroys the ENTIRE base at the beginning.
He will gain experience, and become „Heroic“

2. Most „Generals Powers“ are disabled, so you can’t just sit back
and watch your A-10’s bomb your enemy, you’ve gotta do it yourself!

3. Be sure to capture any unmanned vehicles you find.

4. Make good use of your „Spy Satellite“ ability. The GLA uses „Demo
Traps“ to a great extent, the „Spy Satellite“ can be used as a way of
scouting these out.

5. Be sure to use your „Tomahawk Launchers“ effectively, you only get
two. Keep these safely away from the enemy, but make sure they are
close enough to bombard the enemy from long range.

6. When you initially start building your base, move all your troops
to the North. This is the only direction in which the GLA will attack

7. Keep your units and buildings spread apart, the GLA will attempt to
use the „Anthrax Bomb“ against you. Always keep one „Medic Truck“ in
your base at all times to clean up the GLA’s toxins.

8. When you initially attack the GLA, they will respond with a
vicious counter-attack, so be ready to defend.

That concludes the tips and tricks, hopefully you’ll be crushing the
GLA in no time! Good luck.

Installation / Deinstallation:

Um die Map zu installieren, einfach den Zip Inhalt in dein Generals Zero:Hour Map Verzeichnis extrahieren. Zum Deinstallieren einfach diesen Ordner wieder löschen.

Author: DaRkAlEx

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