Filed under: C&C Renegade Mods, PC

Interview mit CnC Reborn

Heute gibt es wieder ein neues Interview, und zwar mit Renardin über CnC Reborn. An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich nochmal bei Renardin bedanken das er Zeit für mich gefunden hat 😉
Bisher ist das Interview nur in Englisch verfügbar, eine deutsche Version wird aber folgen.

– What was your motivation to start Reborn?
I didn’t start it. I gave a ’new‘ start to the mod. I was very disappointed when I tried the beta of 2003. I saw a recruitement job at Reborn’s homepage for a texture artist. I was a newbie at graphics and I decided anyway to apply for the job… I contacted Angel of Dawn and DarkOmen. DarkOmen gave me the devil’s demolisher model and I started. It took me like 2 weeks to make it. After some models done, I decided to make new textures for all the models of Reborn. After some time, I started to act like a ’second leader‘, I changed the website, and I began to post news and I started recruitement. SpartnII joined us and suggested to make some new models. He created an amazing wolverine and some soldiers and also a Titan. When Permagrin joined us as weapon modeler, he decided to make new models for all vehicles and more. Then Sod.X, Nightcrawler, Pendullum, Sanada, Genocide, jonwil, DethHav0c, Titan1x77, Laeubi, DeathAX, Slash0x,Oem, Dan and some other people joined us and we started to work more. The main reason of going further with Reborn are the skills at coding of our 2 genius : TheKGBspy ( Ra2 : Vengeance ) & JonWil ( Renegade Scripts ). I must also mention our Kalle Bowo, he doing an amazing job with his 2 arts and manage most of the balance units/teams problems. Sorry for those I didn’t mention, I can think to all at any times… :p

– Frank Klepacki is one of your past helpers. Did you license one of his tracks for Reborn?
I think so, DarkOmen knows more about that. I can’t tell you much about this because I don’t know.

– Do you plan to implement any other units which were not featured in Tiberian Sun?
Well, we add new infantry. Why will you ask… Mainly because the cool part of Renegade was the big infantry choice. We hope you will enjoy some of our new bastards… 🙂

– Will there be other super weapons except the nuke / ion cannon?
I don’t think you call that super weapons, but Firestorm Wall and Stealth Generators will be implemented.

– Will there be an easier way to install the mod?
The steps will be simple as that : Download, dubble click reborninstall.exe, play !

– Is there any unit (maybe your favourite) you are very proud of?
Like I say, I am not a professional, I do my best. I am really proud of one of my last work : The Lillith Tiberian Rifle.

– What side (Nod or GDI) would you personally prefer and why?
Nod I think. We have to be good people on the real life, so the idea of being the bad guy on a game is quite pleasant.

– On what things are you currently working on?
The devil’s tongue texture, I got the model 2 days ago, I didn’t work much on it, I will be on exams for a whole month. (until 19 january 2005)

– Where there any large difficulties you experienced while working on the mod?
Doing the ‚leader‘ tasks… DarkOmen wasn’t very active during a long period and most of the old Reborn team was losing faith in the mod. But now DarkOmen is really back and working as much as he can. Now I think we are all motivated and I still do my ‚leader‘ tasks. It’s not what I like to do but with experience, things become more simple. As Titan1x77 describes me, I am the one who says : Get the stuff done you mothafucka 😉 For sure, we would have finish the mod sooner if we could work more every weeks but we have a life and have to deal with it.

– What is your favourite weapon?
The GDI officer chaingun, impressive when you use it.

– Will some Units have new features?
Balance changes mostly and new stuff for some. New deploy and fire animation are under work and also the veterancy system like in Tiberian Sun wich gives more health and fire power. The amphibious apc will be amphibious, the hover mrls will go above water and won’t be static in air. The Jumpjet will fly… For Nod, you can also wait some nice stuff… I can’t tell you more before I am sure it will work fine.

– An alpha version has been leaked in the past. What were in your opinion the negative effects?
You can’t trust people. This maybe one of the main reason for not having a big tester team. The tests will be done by the team and some trusted people.

– You plan to change to the HL2 Engine when Reborn is done. What are the biggest advantages? Are there any disadvantages?
For now, the project is cancelled. I want to get the stuff done on Reborn in a first time, I will discuss about that with the team later. I must admit I am not sure to have any more time for mods after 2005. I am in my last university year and I will have a life to manage… I think the advantages are countless. Disadvantages ? I don’t see any.

– At the moment you cancelled the plans for changing the engine. Why? Don’t you think it would be better if more people will play the mod?
As I told above, I will see what will be the future of Reborn. I can’t tell you know. Let’s see how things move when the Renegade version will be done.

– Is the stealth technology still possible there?
As I said, yes. Not for buildings. We found a way but it’s too complicated and won’t work without bugs. Coder can tell more about that but forget it for now. If we find a way, we will do it.

– Are there other things you want to tell the community?
Be patient, just think about that fact : Nothing of the old mod will stay ( or maybe 10 models… like nod soldier, engineer arm weapon…. ). We started to work on the new version on april 2004. Look at what we have done in 8 months, it’s already really great to plan a release for march when you see the huge work we have done in a such small period. Don’t say we have been working on it since 2 years. We started a whole new mod. Just be patient, we try to do our best to release that before spring 2005, if we fail it will be for good reasons but will release the mod! Don’t worry! And thank you to all the people who support us, the Reborn team is pleased to have you as fans. Thank you!

– What are your plans for the future at the moment?
Finish this mod and play it nights after nights…

– Will you add some new game specific features which were not included in Tiberian Sun?
Time will tell… Time will tell… 😉
