Filed under: PC, Petroglyph

Interview mit Mike Legg von Petroglyph


Die Website HomeLAN Fed hat zum Abschluß des Jahres ein Interview mit Mike Legg, dem Mitbegründer von Petroglyph Games, geführt. Die Fragen drehen sich rund um seine Eindrücke zur Spieleszene im Jahr 2004-2005.

Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt:

HomeLAN – Other than games you worked on that were released this year, what video or PC game released in 2004 was your favorite and why?

Mike Legg – My favorite game of 2004 would have to ultimately be Half-Life 2, despite all the hype. It is fun, polished, clean, highly immersive, technologically amazing and well-executed. There were moments in the game where caught myself saying “Man, this game is SO cool!” verbally. For me, HL-2 definitely lived up to the hype and was worth the wait.