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Filed under: C&C Zero:Hour Maps, Mac, PC

Neue Shell Map für Zero:Hour

Heute gibt es eine wirklich schöne Shell Map für Zero:Hour, die von The G.o.a.T und DaRkAIEx erstellt wurde:)

Beschreibung: Diese Shell Map für Zero:Hour / Die Stunde Null ist mit vielen Details und ist natürlich für alle China Fans Pflicht:) Zu sehen sind Angriffe zwischen der GLA und China.

This is a highly detailed shellmap for Zero Hour. It depicts a fortress of China under constant attack from both the USA and the GLA. However, China is able to stand its ground and be victorious.

This is a shellmap, not a playable level! This map was designed by DaRkAlEx and the G.o.a.T. Enjoy 🙂

To use the shellmap, look in the installation folder of Zero Hour for a folder named „Maps“. If this directory doesn’t exist, create it. Extract the COMPLETE Map FOLDER (not just the individual files) included in the map zip file in that „Maps“ folder. This should create a subdirectory „ShellMapMD“ with all the necessary files in it. If there is already a „ShellMapMD“ directory in that „Maps“ directory, please delete that prior to extracting this one, in order to avoid any conflicts. Fire up the game and you should see the new shellmap.

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