Filed under: PC, Verschiedenes zu C&C

Catalyst 5.8 erschienen

Nachdem er gestern auch schon auf manch anderen Treiberseiten zu finden war, so wurde er heute auf der Homepage von ATI[/URL] bestätigt – die Rede ist von der Version 5.8 des Catalyst. Auf unserer Partnerseite der UniversalModders wird folgendes Zitat gezeigt, indem es um die Neuerungen der 5.8 Version geht:

Battlefield 2: Geometry corruption or missing textures are no longer noticed when playing the game for an extended period of time under Windows XP with an ATI Radeon® X800 XT installed

3D Mark03: Enabling Powerplay mode and running the 3DMark03 or 05 in a loop no longer results in an error message being displayed

Area51_2.3dc: Playing the game under Windows XP no longer results in the NPC and guns appearing distorted, flashing or missing. Further the polygons no longer pop in and out of the display


GTA: Vice City: Setting the desktop and the game display option to 1024×768 32bpp and attempting to play the game under Windows XP MCE, no longer results in an Invalid Pixel Format message being displayed after approximately 5 minutes of game play

Lineage 2: Playing the game under Windows XP no longer results in display corruption being noticed

MU Online: Opening a chat window and playing the on-line game no longer results in hesitation being noticed when pressing the Enter key

Quake 3: Enabling SmartShader� followed by attempting to do a mode change while playing the game, no longer results in the game failing to respond

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Running the Dantoonie level of the game no longer result in hesitation being noticed

Terathon: Starting the Terathon 3D engine and selecting a single player demo, no longer results in the 3D engine failing to respond under Windows XP

Trackmania Sunrise: Playing the game under Windows XP no longer results in the operating system failing to respond, when attempting to exit the game after leaving the PC idle for an extended period of time

Warcraft III: Playing the game under Windows XP with the display rotated by 90 degrees CCW, no longer results in display corruption being noticed