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Multiplayer Infos & Dev Diary!

Der Strom an Neuigkeiten will nicht abreissen!

Delpi-PG berichtet nun auch neues über die Multiplayer Modi & ein Tagebuch mit mehr infos über diese Modi, das in naher Zukunft auf Gamespot released werden soll.

So soll es Funktionen im Skirmish mode geben, die es nicht im Einzelspieler Modus geben wird:

For the record here is how the multiplayer modes breaks down:

Skirmish Tactical (Land & Space) = Individual maps that range between 2-8 players. These maps are themed on and above some of your favorite planets (Yavin, Hoth, Dagobah, and more). This mode was created from scratch and uses some game mechanics not found in the single-player game. I had a blast designing this one…

Campaign = Contains a variety of different scenarios ranging from 8-43 planets (similar to single-player) depending on which scenario players choose. In this mode you can only play 1vs1. But! Players will be able to save their games to continue at a later date. This mode most resembles the single-player experience. We’ve had some games last up to two days straight (20 hours).

In the next week or so GameSpot will be releasing my dev diary that contains in-depth details about each mode. So stay tuned!

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