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Filed under: EaW: Modding, PC

NMA: Warlords Mod

Es gibt eine neue Mod zu EaW! Die erste Mod der in den Petroglyph Fan Foren ansässigen Nevada Modding Asociation (NMA) ergänzt die Demo unter anderem um eine weiter spielbare Seite. So gibt es nun eine abtrünnige Version des Imperiums, die auf Seiten der Rebellen kämpft.

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Liste der neuen Features:[mehr]
[list][*]Adds a third playable Faction (Imperial) (*yours)
[*]All 20 planets playable
[*]The main Factions Imp and Reb that will battle each other in the galaxy but they will also attack you
[*]Between the two the empire has the biggest interest in destroying you
[*]Your action as an admiral to turn against the empire has offered you enough support from the imperial fleet and the main space station and shipyards in that system – this will allow you to build all the imp ships
[*]Your land troops are minimal compared to the other two factions and you can’t recruit new troops. So be careful with them once destroyed you will not be able to get new ones so you will be eventually defeated
[*]You also enlisted the help of some pirates
[*]Your actions have created chaos in the galaxy and many enemy troops will try to join your army in battle (*you never know)
[*]The retreat from the battle & bombing runs options work 100% now[/list]

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