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1vs1 Beta Cup

Ein Turnier jagt das nächste. Auf unserer Partnerseite gibt es ein BfME2 Beta Turnier.

Die Beta hat zwar noch einige Bugs, aber wer damit umgehen kann,
hat sicher gute Aussichten auf die Hammer Preise.

Es ist ein „single elimination tournament„,
das bedeutet jeder hat nur eine Change ins Finale zu kommen.

Start des Turniers: 4. Februar 2006, bis 4. März 2006


English Version[MEHR]

BFME2 Tournament Username:

The name you registered with is the name you will have to play under. I will not allow name changes unless you spelt the one you sent to me wrong. If you try to join the match under the wrong name you will be DQ’ed.

Tournament Rounds:

This tournament will be a single elimination tournament. This means that you only have one chance each round to show us what you’ve got, so you better be ready! If you have questions on this let me know ASAP.

Tournament Time Clock: “All times are to be based on this clock!”

The clock will be in GMT -8:00 or PST. The tournament times I send you will be based on that time. So if your tournament time is 2:00pm or 14:00, that means 2:00pm or 14:00 per the tournament clock, “NOT YOUR CLOCK AT HOME” Make sure you know what time it is via the tournament clock at all times. “Do not worry as I am taking regions into mind and making sure your game time is mid day or early evening for your time zones”. I want to stress how much I am trying to make the match’s reasonable times for everyone. If you have an issue contact .

Playing Your Tournament Match:

As most of you know, your name has been added to the brackets on BFME “If your name is not on the bracket list, contact me ASAP.” The top player will always host the match! Game name will be the 2 player’s names!

Sledgehammer70 –

Game name = Sledge V Brian

If for any reason a question is to arise please e-mail me at

Help With Playing Your Matches:

BFME Tournaments will have a moderator in the game chat room with the name of BFMETHelp. Feel free to ask this mod any questions!

Game Times and Time Rules!

All games are to be played within the game info sent to you. I ask that you get online 15 minutes before your start time to make sure you make it on time. I will allow the games a 5 minute time delay. What this means is if you are slated to start at 2:00pm than that game will start no later than 2:05pm if your 1 minute late you will be DQ’ed from the tournament and the other player moves on. Their will be no rescheduling of matches due to multiple rounds being played in one day!

How to Report a Win and Loss

Due to BFME2 having a win and loss bug the only way to prove you won your tournament is to confirm with the BFMETHelp admin in chat and send a screenshot of the stats to If both players report to the BFMETHelp admin, who won and who lost things will go much smoother and faster, but take those screenshots and send them to the e-mail above as proof.

Rules in Game Play!

1.) If you cheat in any way, you will be banned from the tournament. This includes bugs like MOTW trebs on a Goblin Fortress, you know what cheats there are and so do we… If you cheat you lose!

2.) Foul language & Trash talk is not tolerated at all. If this occurs hit your print screen button with the foul language and send me the screen shot. This is the only way you can prove anything. If you are caught breaking this rule, you will be Banned from not only the tournament, but all tournaments to come.

3.) Slow Gameplay & Out of Sync errors, these issues happen a lot and will most likely happen 1 or 2 times in our tournament. If slow Gameplay is observed than both players much agree for a rematch, if an out of sync error occurs game must be re-hosted right away.

4.) Submitting false wins in the tournament will be an auto Boot from the tournament & future tournaments.

5.) All players must submit if they won or lost the match, I ask that you please report ASAP. If you have issues e-mail

6.) All issues will be resolved by the BFME Tournaments team. What they say goes. NO MATTER WHAT! To argue with an Admin is a bad thing, so don’t do it.

7.) As per the NDA rules for EA’s BFME@ BETA we are not allowed to post any screenshots or videos of the tournaments. Now I am trying to get permission to be able to post the final matches. I will announce the answer once I receive it.

8.) Connection Issues, Make sure you don’t have connection issues already, turn off firewalls, and Messenger programs, and Anti anything programs to avoid issues. If the game will not let you start, one of the players in the match is not connecting to another. To fix this both players should go into “Options” and click the “Refresh NAT” button. If this doesn’t fix the problem, a different player should host the match.

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