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Filed under: EaW: Pre & Reviews, PC

Neues Preview von Eurogamer

Eurogamer hat heute ein neues Preview zu Star Wars: Empire at War veröffentlicht. Außerdem gibt es noch 3 neue Screenshots. Hier mal ein kleiner Ausschnitt vom neuen Preview:

Tying both of those game modes together is the other great thing about Empire At War – namely the decision to create a Total War style campaign, where rather than simply being led by the hand from battle to battle, you actually define the sweep of the war across the galaxy by your own actions. Interestingly, Petroglyph has opted to create standard single-player campaigns for both the Imperial and Rebel sides as well, but for most players I suspect that the real meat of the game is to be found in the full-size campaign.

Und hier noch die 3 Screenshots:

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