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Navy Invaders für Act of War: High Treason

Heute haben wir ebenfalls die neuste Modifikation von Eugen Systems aufgenommen, nun könnt Ihr auch Schiffe in der Modifikation bauen und euch gegen die AI behaupten:

Beschreibung: Diese Modifikation für Act of War: High Treason, ermöglicht nun das einsetzen von Schiffen im SinglePlayer Gefecht. Ihr müsst versuchen die Übermacht an Schiffen der KI zu zerstöre.

Beschreibung von Eugen Systems: The Navy Invaders Mod allows you to pit your naval strategic genius against one or more A.I. opponents trying to destroy your base with hordes of aggressive warships!

Select any of the 10 available Navy maps, and assign an A.I. difficulty to each available player slot.

There’s no base building or resource management in this mod. You will start the game with a Shipyard, which can build only naval units. (Amphibious ships can however build ground troops, and carriers can build aircraft.)

You earn money at regular intervals, just as if you occupied a bank, and on maps with banks you can also capture these if you have access to amphibious units that can deploy infantry.

The objective is to destroy the enemy shipyards — as soon as a player’s shipyard is destroyed, he’s out of the game. Note that Shipyards autoheal themselves, but can’t be repaired otherwise.

Under the Options tab, you can adjust the A.I. increasing attack rate between Constant, Slow, Linear and Exponential, depending on your desired difficulty level. Note that with the Slow, Linear, and Exponential options, very likely your objective will be to survive for as long as possible…

Ist für den Naval Mod von Eugen und ATARI

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