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Infos von EA Predator zum Addon

In den Foren von Middle Earth Vault hat EA Predator einige informationen zur neuen Fraktion „Angmar“ preisgegeben. Er verrät z.B. das es außer dem Hexenkönig auch noch andere Helden geben wird, wie z.B. Morgomir, Hwaldir und Rhogash. Das restliche was er geschrieben hat, könnt ihr aus seinen Post noch rauslesen.

Hier mal der ganze Post von EA Predator:

Now let me say something here about Angmar, during the current development of this game and from the team and other people playing it, namely as Angmar we’ve heard this one constant opinion:

-Angmar feels like an extremely fresh faction and forces you to use all of its units more than any other in BFME 2. You’ve you heroes like the Witch-king, Morgomir, Hwaldir, and Rhogash, among others, units such as the Thrall-Masters, Sorcerers, and the Dark Rangers, and evil beasts like Snow Trolls and a new catapult Troll, among others, and yes, Angmar does have more units that like the Dire Wolves, and the list goes on…there is more.

Right now, my favorite unit which I think the commuinty is really going to dig are the Sorcerers. Essentially, with these units you must choose one of three paths that you want their magic to specialize in, ranging from corpse rain to freezing, and there is more. What is unique and strategic though is when you use the Sorcerer, depending on which spell you chose, when you use it, the Sorcerer will loose one or more of its Acololytes that surrounds it, there are 6. They do regenerate, but on a certain time, hence the strategy. These are powerful unitys if used correctly and visually stunning. When an Acololyte dies, his spirit drifts into the sky, its a very cool effect.

I actually used the Sorcerer in the trailer you’ll see to freeze 3 Giants at the same time, Giants! Maybe I am just excited, but freezing Giants when they are about to throw huge stones at you is pretty gratifying.

My second favorite unit is Rhogash. This big beast of a troll is just plain fun to stomp around with. He has a similar leap attack like Gimli, but of course this being Rhogash, his is much more powerful and deadly when he leeps 30ft in the air and slames his powerful mace sword on the ground, sending units flying. Again, gratifying.

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