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Filed under: HdR SuM 2 RotW, PC

Neues von EA Predator

Es gibt mal wieder Neuigkeiten von EA Predator. Diesmal spricht er über den weiteren Verlauf bis zum Erscheinungstermin des Addons. Er spricht z.B. davon das nun endlich das technische Problem des Montags Update Videos behoben wurde, das ein Ati-Driver fehler behoben ist, das es Veränderungen auf der Offiziellen BFME2 Seite geben wird. Die Seite wird nun besser geordnet (BFME2, BFME2 RotW, BFME2 XBox), bekommt einige neue Updates und ein paar Fehler werden gefixt.

Desweitern verspricht er uns weitere Montags Updates mit Inside the Battle Videos, komplette Fraktionen Beschreibungen, neue Blogs und Interviews. Hier der komplette Post von EA Predator bei MEV mit den vielen neuen Infos:

Hey everyone,

I know its been a little crazy lately and you’ve probably felt a little like you’re floating in space if you visit these forums daily. Here are some updates for you regarding The Rise of the Witch-king, among other things:

-Middle-earth Monday technical error fixed

Last night our EA download servers went down, so I had to use our friendly fan-site at to host the videos for Middle-earth Monday, it was the only way to get them live. Since so many people went to download, BTT had server overload, and they went down as well earlier today, lol. Yea, never easy is it. The Middle-earth Monday videos are now live on our servers and are working just fine, you can download, apologies for the inconvenience on that.

-Site Maintenance taking place

Over the next week we’ll be conducting some site maintenance on the ROTWK site, its why the community section is messy right now and the video section is having some errors. You can still link to the MEM videos and trailer. What we are doing is bringing back the original BFMEII site, so ROTWK and BFMEII, can have a place of their own with seperate updates. We’re also creating a landing page for the BFME franchise so you can choose which area to visit, be it BFMEII for PC or 360, or just ROTWK. If you encounter some HTML errors over the next week, apologies in advance, this is due to maintenance.

– ATI Driver Issue FIXED…BUT

-We sent one of our key developers up to ATI for a week recently to help solve the ATI driver and direct X issue and the problem has since been solved. While mainly just affecting BFMEII, this was an issue that came about unknowingly and out of our control due to the ATI drivers. The fix will be in ATI’s next driver update, set to hit late this month. For now, sit back on their recent drivers (not the most current ones) and you’ll be good to update end of the month. Thanks for your patience and understanding on this.

-Rise of the Witch-king drives to launch…what to expect

-As we hit the home-stretch for Rise of the Witch-king and drive to launch at the end of November you can expect a blizzard storm of assets to hit the official site and gaming sites, starting with

Hands on Previews hit:





And coming up
-More Inside the Battle videos regarding Angmar and our Mini-Hero Hordes
-Middle-earth Mondays continue
-Angmar faction rollout
-New Units to existing factions with full reveal on all sides
-Newsletter, blogs, and more

That’s it for now, have some urgent ROTWK matters to take care of, the Witch-king is quite angry with me right now, i’ll be back around chatting once I settle this shortly.

I’ll also work to get more of your hot questions answered by our producer Amir Rahimi.


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