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Neues Preview und Screenshots

Auf der Seite von StrategyInformer[/URL] wurde in den letzten paar Tagen einige neue Screenshots und ein neues Preview über das kommende Addon „Aufstieg des Hexenkönigs“ gepostet. Wir haben die fehlenden Screenshots gleich in unsere Gallerie eingetragen, hier die Screens:

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Und Außerdem wie oben schon genannt gibt es auch ein Preview zum Addon von StrategyInformer. Wir haben mal einen kleinen Teil des Previews für euch hier her geschrieben, das komplette Preview findet ihr dann unter den Links:

When the decision to make an expansion pack for the game was made, the developers were split down the middle with some wanting to focus on the battle of the last alliance, and others wanting to focus on the Rise of the Witch-King in Angmar. Obviously, they decided to go with the Witch-King focused expansion, partially because playing as the bad guys is always a lot of fun! The events in The Rise of the Witch-King takes place between the battle of the last alliance (shown at the beginning of the LotR films) and Frodo’s quest to destroy the one ring. There are three thousand some odd years in there that most people don’t really know about, and during that time the Witch-King rises to power and tries to build his own dark empire. Hardcore LotR fans can look forward to learning more about a little known about chapter in the history of Middle Earth.

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