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BfME2 – Minas Tirith Map

BfME2 – Minas Tirith
Die Map Idee ist sehr gut. Leider ist die Umsetzung nicht ganz gelungen. Texturen, naja, man(n) viel Fighten. Die Map ist eine 3vs1 Single Spieler Karte. Für alle Minas Tirith Fans, versucht sie. Leider ist sie auch nicht Rotwk spielbar. Man sagte mir „Spiele ich sie im Addon, Verliere ich immer“. Aber seht selbst, in Sum2 soll sie Fun bringen.


:uk: Description:
Map Features:

7-level city

Large Pelennor in which AI attackers can utilize up to 42 farms to attack your city.

3 vs. 1 single player map (You get to control the entire city against the AI)

Large seventh level with space in the back for a complete camp

Third level comes with a complete set of camp buildings

Units can now stand next to the White Tree, etc.

Fortress is in the hollowed-out back section of the city

Improved travel between levels with a huge ramp in the back

Back Door Gate on the side of the city

Flammable land just outside the city walls

3 outposts, 2 inns

Grond is included with the enemies

Since some of the levels are close together, archers and trebuchets can defend multiple levels beyond the ones that they are directly above

The first level wall is much longer and accommodates more defenses

The health of the main gate is doubled

All levels have:

Passable areas


Destructible civilian buildings

Customizable defenses

Stairs to the next level

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