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Mögliche Änderungen im Hexenkönigpatch

EA Predator (Community-Manager) hat im offiziellen Forum bekannt gegeben, das die Entwickler zur Zeit einige Änderungen für den Patch testen.
Allerdings betonte er, das die Änderungen auf keinen Fall die finale Patchversion seien.

Die Änderungen:

– All Forged blades weapons (except for the Lorien Warrior one) now have a +100% damage bonus vs other infantry units and +50% vs heroes
– Height range bonus fixed at 1 for ranged units and heroes and 2 for artillery units; Mountain Giant bonus 2.5
– All structures now take only 1% from pierce damage, across the board
– HeroMiniFoot resistance increased, now 40% slash, 40% pierce (from 60% both). More vulnerable to Structural, taking 80% (from 50%)
– HeroMiniMounted resistance to slash (20% from 60%) and pierce (30% from 60%) increased. More vulnerable to Structural (100% from 50%) and specialist (150% from 100%)

– Hero armor more resistant to pierce (18% from 25%), specialist (15% from 25%), magic (20% from 75%) and poison (40% from 75%); more vulnerable to slash (40% from 25%) and crush damage (50% from 10%)
– Light Hero Armor more resistant to flame (10% from 35%), frost (15% from 45%) and specialist (10% from 35%) damages; more vulnerable to crush (50% from 15%)
– All archers and axe throwers (armored and unarmored) now take 50% more from crush damage, across the board
– Heal power restores up to 50% of health (from 100%), radius 200 (from 100); no longer works on ring heroes, machines or monsters
– Darkness, Freezing Rain (6m from 9m) and cloud Break (7m30s from 8m20s) recharge faster; Rain power now also debuffs the enemy, duration 2m30s (from 3m)

We are going to do some things to Angmar of course, of note, some values that are being tweaked around with, again NOT FINAL but its a direction and being heavily tested:

– Witchking trample crush damage increased by 30%
– Thrall masters cost now 150, Orc summon now free, wolf rider summon cost 350
– Temple of Twilight cost increased to 1000
– Sorceress Well of Souls heal radius reduced by 20%
– Sorceress Rain of Corpses recharge time reduced by 20%
– Rhudaur Axethrower range reduced by 20%, damage decreased by 40%
– Snow Trolls now take 175% from specialist (from 125%)

And of course, again, this is all just a slice, there are plenty more that I am going to hold off on discussing, but for now, the above should give you a taste.

We’re taking a lot of the most critical changes from 1.05 and putting them in this patch and then starting to address Angmar on an intermediete level.

We don’t want to put a huge balance patch out that wiill change the face of the game, its more about incremental, but this 1st patch for ROTWK will be fairly significant all around. Just don’t expect a patch 1.05 type insane change, hehe.

Take a deep breath, its going to be ok.


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