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Weshalb Arnor nicht als achte Fraktion dabei ist!

EA Predator hat sich im offiziellen Forum dazu geäußert warum Arnor nicht als achte Fraktion spielbar ist, aber in den ini-Files enthalten ist.
EA Predator schließt aber auch nicht aus das Arnor in einem späteren Patch nochmals bearbeitet wird.

EA Predator:

Hey guys,

We knew full well that Arnor was in the INI code but when we did research on this game and asked you the fans what you wanted, by and large most people wanted to balance out the other factions with new units, and by and large people wanted a new faction added. We did both.

Rise of the Witch-king is based almost entirely off fan feedback on BFME2.

Right now there are 7, yes 7 factions in the game! That is an INSANELY high amount for an RTS game and especially one that is incredibly hard to balance. Just think that BFME1 start with 4 factions, BFME2 then added three more (even with the combining of Gondor and Rohan), and now Rise of the Witch-king adds another.

Aside from Age of Empires, you’d be hard pressed to find such an RTS with so many factions that are as distinct and unique as the BFME series with Rise of the Witch-king.

Right now, this game needs a balance patch, not another faction to throw it way out of whack. Arnor in essence, is the Men of the West from the Second Age, that is why they are in the campaign because the single player campaign takes place before The Third Age when Gondor and Rohan really became distinct and then joined forces to defeat Sauron.

So really, the Men of the West are basically Arnor, minus the Dunedain and Prince Imrahil, among some others.

I definitely side with you guys on Arnor because hey, its another faction and its all there in the code. We didn’t design the game to add an 8th faction, and in doing so, you open up a huge can of balance worms, and who knows. But that is why we have a modding community, we knew we needed Arnor in the single player campaign but it wasn’t designed to be in multiplayer. So why not leave it in for Modders to discover and play around with. I’m looking to see some magic pulled out.

When adding a faction, its a lot more than just a few days work, its months, it takes UI work as well. In a nuthshell, even if we did add Arnor in, it would take a considerable amount of time to do it right so it didn’t feel just slapped in. Modders can spend time experimenting and doing this.

Right now, we’ve gotta focus on hammering the balance out and getting the biggest bugs out of your way.

I wouldnt say this is impossible down the line, but right now, its about balance and bugs.

You’ve been heard, absolutely, rest assured, we understand the importance of Arnor, but please also understand my explanation above.

Thanks for listening here to! : o)


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