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Rotwk – Patch Update

EA Predator hat sich einen neuen Admin mit ins Boot geholt. DarkMorgulKing von Er wird Predator im Board helfen und die Foren besuchen. Er sorgt dafür, daß euer Wort aus der Community gehört wird.
So kommen wir zum Rowtk Patch 1.01. Leute es kann sein das er Morgen am Freitag raus kommt.

Hey everyone,

Over the past couple of weeks I have been searching for someone to help moderate and rejuvenate the BFME2 Message Boards here and I am pleased to announce and introduce my newest second in command on the boards, who will be known as EALA Vision (known as DarkMorgulKing on

While the name is appropriate, Vision has been a part of the BFME2 community since Day 1, and has always been a behind the scenes influencer amongst the community.

Vision will help me keep the peace, keep me informed, and moderate. He is going to ensure that YOU are always heard, and that these boards get back to a strong state.

Handling two communities is a massive effort and with everything getting in full swing here towards the launch of C&C 3, it was definitely time to upgrade with some added firepower for BFME, without question.

I told you guys I had been on the lookout and would bring in reinforcement, so please give a warm welcome to EALA Vision.

Please show your utmost respect to EALA Vision, the same that you would show me and any moderator on a message board. He is here to help, maintain order, and make sure you guys are always heard.

Vision will be working closely with me and sometimes speaking on behalf of me.

However, he is not someone who will always have all the answers, he is here to moderate. Please do not expect this of him. While he is a hardcore dedicated fan, his role is mainly to keep the peace, and moderate these message boards alongside me.

As for an update on patch 1.01 for ROTWK, the patch is now in our QA department and being thoroughly tested. Right now, I am gunning for Friday to put up a Beta release of the patch, I will keep you posted, and hey, Vision may as well to! ohmy.gif)

Guys, I assure you 100% that BFME2 and ROTWK are fully supported, right now our development team is finishing up C&C 3, so resources are extremely tough, but that said, we are on the cusp of finishing a patch for ROTWK and will continue to support.

This is all part of our process to build community support, and I think adding a moderator to these boards, a second in command on my team, will greatly help.

Please give a warm welcome to EALA Vision, he is here to help.


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