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Filed under: HdR SuM 2 News, PC

BFME2 Replay 3 VS 3

Map: Düsterwald

|Elder|keyd(MotW) & x32||Jordan(Zufall) & eldar|d_day*(Zufall)
zamorak00(MotW) & eldar|gandy(Zufall) & Dreade(Zufall)

Dieses Actionreiche Replay stammt von unserer Partnerseite Dieses Spiel zeichnet sich vorallem durch sehr gutes Teamwork aus.

Game Summary: An excellent game filled with action and tons of spells. My comp can run bfme2 on ultra high but was losing frames on this rep on medium because of the extreme action! Great skill and teamwork showed by all players. Both teams worked together. The Northern Team did more spam while the southern team upgraded, the Northern team eventually got upgrades and won due to superior expansion.

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