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Filed under: C&C 3 Tiberium Wars, PC

Weiteres Update von Apoc

Gleich in zwei Threads hat Apoc heute Neuigkeiten verlauten lassen. In einem der Threads hat Apoc euch aufgefordert Fotos von euch und eurer Tiberium Wars Kopie zu posten. Die zwei Besten Bilder gewinnen C&C T-Shirts und Anstecker aus dem C&C Store. >> HIER << [/URL] könnt ihr euch den betreffenden Thread durchlesen. In einem weiteren Post äußert sich Apoc auch zu den unbeliebten Disconnectorn, vor Allem da der Erstplatzierte der EA C&C 3 Ladder ein Disconnector ist. [QUOTE]APOC: We're not opposed to suspending or resetting deliberate disconnector accounts right now, but the issue is we are fixing some technical issues that patch 1.05 addresses to correct mis-reporting of stats. There is overwhelming evidence that the #1 player on the ladder is a deliberate disconector, but once we suspend one, then the expectation to suspend more immediately opens up and i'd rather open that can of worms when we have our full policy rolled out...and when the ladder means something. Either way, you guys are 100000% right on this issue through and through and we are currently working on the best policy solution and also one that is fair. This is certainly not easy for us but we demand action to be taken as much as you guys. I'll look further in to #1, maybe a precedent needs to be set now at least on some people.[/QUOTE] Für mehr Infos bezüglich des Disconnector Problems, besucht bitte [URL=]folgenden Thread[/URL].

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