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Filed under: Need for Speed Pro Street

Interview: Krystal Forscutt

Das australische Online-Magazin gameplayer hat ein Interview mit Krystal Forscutt, der Hauptdarstellerin in NfSPS, geführt. Im Interview geht es vor allem um Games, Gamer und Autos, doch auch über Krystals Karriere wird ausführlich gesprochen. Hier der Teil, der euch wohl am meisten interessieren dürfte:

Now let’s get to the big question: is it true that guys who drive sports cars are compensating for something?

I can’t really speak for all women but a lot of us do think that they are trying to make up for something that is less than impressive. But I think a lot of people are hiding behind a disguise to a certain degree. Some people act over confident to cover up insecurities, some women use shopping to fill a void in their life and some men like to buy expensive shiny toys to hide behind.

Now be honest, are male gamers the most desirable blokes on the planet, or what?

Well I don’t mind gamers but not those ones that are completely obsessed, they can be pretty freaky! I like guys that are more outside, get your hands dirty types but on rainy days I guess that’s ok to stay in, only if it’s Need For Speed of course, ha ha!

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