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Filed under: C&C Zero:Hour Mods, Mac, PC

CnC AllStars: Version 1.2 erschienen

Die Zero Hour Modifikation CnC All Stars hat ein Update auf Version 1.2 veröffentlicht. Es wurden vor allem Bugs gefixt und das Balancing verbessert.

– Numerous small AI improvements and bug fixes
– Fixed international support for Polish editions of Zero Hour

– Hover MRLS rubble model corrected
– Flak Trooper Air Force Command Center prerequisite added
– Flak Trooper weapon firing effects added
– Tanya C4 weapon damage increased from 3125 to 6250
– Rocketeer now correctly targetable by all anti-aircraft weapons
– IFV Flak Trooper weapon firing effects added
– V3 Launcher weapon damage type changed from EXPLOSION to AURORA_BOMB (damage
against structures doubled)
– V3 Launcher weapon missile health increased from 200 to 225
– V3 Launcher upgraded weapon missile speed increased from 60 to 70
– Harrier rubble model corrected

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