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Mordor Darkland_RotWK

Ihr möchtet eine Battlemap, kämpfe ohne Ende.
Euer Land verteidigen, den Gegner niederrennen?

Kein Thema, Mordor Darkland ist meine Slaughter aber ohne Creeparmys in der Mitte. Jetzt hält die nichts mehr auf. Gegner kommen direkt. Habe die Map 3x versucht….hatte keine Chance.

Diese Map ist meine beste Battlemap. Jetzt für RotWK

Modifiziert von dudeboyz
neue Funktionen:

Angmar Fraktion
Gollum als Ringheld
neue Kamera Funktion

Have Fun.

Big Smoke: vielleicht sogar die beste „düstere“ Map die es gibt
wieder super gemappt, Gelände ist lebensecht, Umgebung auch und Texturen sind sehr schön

:uk: Englisch

If so, then yes, it has been updated to include a fully
functioning Angmar faction and Gollum (The One Ring) meaning
those who are playing Rise of the Witch King should not have to
make any compromises.

As for changes, the single biggest one beyond updating it for
ROTWK is a change in the default Camera & Ground Height. It can
zoom out farther away and closer to items on the map than it
could with the standard map settings used by EA.

It is a personal preference of mine, and should also benefit
widescreen gamers. It simply allows me to see more of the battle
field at one time, which helps me in planning how I will build
and defend my fortress and in creating walls to enclose my
territory. It really does make building walls much easier for me
when I play as Men of the West.

I normally play 8 player maps against 7 computer opponents, so
most of the tweaks I made were designed to help provide balance,
no matter which of the 8 areas the computer opponents are located
in – I set them all to Random to keep things fresh.

After many hours of playing, I found that there were two specific
areas of the map that were for some reason falling behind all the
other areas in the time it took them to build a proper camp.

The Middle Left and Middle Right sections were almost always the
first two areas eliminated from the game. So, through placement
of Goblin, Fire Drake and Cave Troll Lairs, I was able to protect
those two areas so they had a better chance of surviving long
enough to mount a challenge, while also hindering other areas so
that they were built up a little more slowly. In the end product
I found that the balance ended up being pretty good, even on
Brutal mode.

I moved some of the locations of rock piles so that players
should find it less frustrating to build defensive walls around
their fortress.

In the center area, there are now two Outposts and two Signal
Fires that can be captured and held by any faction.

I also did some relocation of some trees and rocks so that
Computer Opponents had enough clear space to build according to
their default layouts. They tend to build structures in fixed
locations around the center of their fortress.

Human opponents are smart enough to navigate the obstacles and
put buildings in other places, but it seems that even in Brutal
mode, Computer Opponents can only build properly if a certain
amount of clear ground is made available.

I really enjoyed playing Mordor Darkland when I first got it and
only made the changes because I don’t play online and I only play
against the computer. So the way the map is now works well when
it’s just me against 7 Computer Opponents. I had never really
thought about releasing it to the public.

Of course, I would have contacted you directly to obtain
permission if I ever had wanted to share it. I’m not sure if any
of the changes I made just for me to play might ruin the
atmosphere and changed the way you had intended for people to
experience the map.

Anyway, if you do like it and feel good about releasing it as an
alternative to your original, I think that would be awesome. I
could not have done any of the changes if you hadn’t created the
map in the first place, and I think that there is nobody better
than you to decide if the updated map is worth sharing with other

Thanks again for making such a cool map and making it available
for people to play. It really inspired me to learn about World
Builder and how to edit maps and now I’m having a lot of fun with
things. 🙂

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