7. November 2008|
GameReplays.org veranstaltet am 09.11.2008 um 19:00h GMT ein 1 on 1 Turnier in Command & Conquer Generals. Anmelden könnt ihr euch hier.
Für das Turnier gelten folgende Regeln:
[LIST][*]Show up at 07.00 PM GMT in Clanwars lobby
[*]Aceton[/URL] is required
[*]Observers are allowed if both parties agree
[*]Banned people from GameReplays.org are not allowed to compete
[*]Fun names allowed, PM me who you are
[*]I will tell you the map you have to play before each round
[*]To make the organization easier please don’t spam the lobby
[*]Do not write in blue please
[*]Random Army