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Filed under: C&C Tiberian Twilight, PC

CnC4 Beta gestartet!

Heute startet die Beta zum lang erwartetem Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight. Besitzer der Alarmstufe Rot 3 Premier Edition können nun sofort in die Beta einsteigen.

Auf „[Mehr Lesen]“ findet Ihr die genaue Anleitung, was Ihr denn nun genau dafür tun müsst, um in die Beta einzusteigen und Euer Feedback im C&C4 Beta Forum posten zu können.


* Go to Please make sure you are logged out of your EA account before you try to login. This is critical to ensure our back-end system checks properly.

* Login with the same Master EA Account you used to register your RA3 Premier Edition code. This should be your Master EA Account you use for all your EA games when logging online to play.

* If access spots are still open, and if you used a valid, registered e-mail address, a success message will appear after the login, which will then redirect you to our Closed Beta page

* If spots are not open, a message will pop up to let you know to come back the following Tuesday or Thursday. If you use an invalid e-mail address that is different from the account you used to register your RA3 Premier Edition code, an invalid message will appear as well.

* If successful, accept the Beta NDA and you will then be able to instantly download the C&C 4 Beta client, install, login, and jump in to the 5v5 multiplayer GDI/Nod action mayhem!

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