Filed under: C&C Tiberian Twilight, PC

Joe Kucan C&C 4 Interview

{allow_html}Auf der englischen Seite IncGamers ist ein Inteview mit Joe Kucan erschienen. Man erfährt nicht wirklich viel neues, aber Joes Humor ist auch in diesem Interview ein echtes Highlight.

So how do you feel about the game? There’ve been a lot of changes since the very early games, and you’ve been there right the whole way through, so what do you think about the way it’s changed?

I think everything, in order to survive, has to adapt and evolve, and I think that it’s a good idea to finally stop teasing with the storyline and to put a final end to it. I think they’re very smart and understanding that the future of gaming, probably, is in internet play and online play and that this is just the first step in watching the game evolve in that direction. I think it’s a pretty smart idea.

But of course, the single player is a huge focus and that is, I’m sure, what you’re largely involved in, in your role as Kane.

It’s actually the only thing I’m involved in! *laughs*

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