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Die letzte BCPT Episode

{allow_html}Auch BCPT nimmt ein eher trauriges Ende, da die letzte Episode leider nicht fertiggestellt werden konnte. Die Gründe und weitere Informationen findet ihr in Apocs Statements unter [ Mehr lesen ]. Allerdings gibt es die „Battlecast 10“ zu sehen, diesmal auch mit Generals und Zero Hour.


I will be upfront and honest with you guys. Unfortunately our editing team was impacted before production on the show could complete. At this point, completion is impossible. That said, rather than drag along or leave you guys on empty, we were able to put together one final „10“, which was always a favorite segment for everyone.

The cool factor is, this time The 10 also includes Generals and Zero Hour.

While not great news, this is the best that can be accomplished at the moment. I wanted to be upfront and honest with you guys on the matter so your expectations were set accordingly.

We had some cool segments and things in motion planned for the final episode, one thing I do have is an interview with Joe Kucan that is yet another classic. I hope to get this edited and out, its a gem.

I did not infer for my twitter to set higher expectations, and when we originally said we were going to go out with a bang, we absolutely meant it. We couldn’t plan for the blindside impact that occurred, unfortunately.

I’ll have the video up this afternoon, its great stuff as always.


The final episode of the Motion Comic is being completed as I type. Looking to release that next week.

As for BCPT, we had a lot of unforeseen issues with the final episode production. Our primary editor of the BCPT show was in the hospital for a week, and our other editor was working on the motion comic. We only had so much time to finish the episode and so many hands. Shooting schedule was rough, Silverman flew down, Raj was here, but all in all, we had to piece meal the shoot together. What we set out to create in script was a fantastic epic conclusion to the show, and along the way we had a number of critical bumps that deterred that.

Then both of our editors were impacted before the show completed, and the rest is history. If I had the time to jump in the edit bay and finish it myself, I would, but i’ll be honest, I don’t have the time, and my editing skills are long behind me.

I do want you guys to know that Silverman flew down for the final shoot, he was very excited and extremely appreciative of the support these past 2 years.

Producing this show, kind of like Hollywood, sometimes you just don’t know when the cancellation is coming, so dealing with the cards dealt.

That said, I think putting out The Final 10 is actually fitting. At the end of the day, BCPT was always about showcasing players playing Command & Conquer. Nothing did that better than The 10.

I apologize this isn’t the ending to BCPT that was promised, I hope you can understand.