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1992 Classic MS-DOS PC Games

Heute haben wir beim Stöbern ein tolles Video auf Youtube entdeckt, dass 36 Classic Spiele für MS-DOS aus dem Jahr 1992 kurz beim anspielen zeigt, zu sehen sind ca. 1 1/2 Minuten Gameplay pro Spiel, dass Video hat eine Gesamtspielzeit von 42 Minuten und ist in HD 720P. Welche Games habt Ihr aus der Liste gespielt?

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Folgende Spiele sind in diesem Video enthalten:
01:28 Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (CD-ROM) (Sierra On-Line)
03:19 Alone in the Dark (Infogrames/I•Motion)
05:03 Dark Seed (Cyberdreams)
06:39 Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero (Sierra On-Line)
08:34 Dune (Cryo Interactive Entertainment/Virgin Games)
10:42 Inca (Coktel Vision/Sierra On-Line)
12:08 King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (Sierra On-Line)
13:31 Laser Squad (Target Games/Krisalis Software)
14:20 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Lucasfilm Games)
15:58 Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (Westwood Studios/Virgin Games)
17:24 Lure of the Temptress (Revolution Software/Virgin Games)
18:27 Might and Magic: Clouds of Xeen (New World Computing)
19:25 Ultima VII: The Black Gate (ORIGIN Systems)
21:23 Quest for Glory III: Wages of War (Sierra On-Line)
22:53 Star Control II (Toys for Bob/Accolade)
24:19 The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel (Mythos Software/Electronic Arts)
25:24 Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (Interplay Productions)
26:55 Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back (Titus France)
27:51 Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (Blue Sky Productions/ORIGIN Systems)
29:09 WaxWorks (Horror Soft/Accolade)
30:25 Dyna Blaster (Hudson Soft Company/Ubi Soft Entertainment Software)
31:26 Bumpy’s Arcade Fantasy (Loriciel)
32:09 The Catacomb Abyss (Gamer’s Edge/Softdisk Publishing)
32:42 Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure: Forbidden Planet (Apogee Software)
33:19 The Dagger of Amon Ra (Sierra On-Line)
34:40 Risky Woods (Dinamic Software, Zeus Software/Electronic Arts)
35:08 Wizardry: Crusaders of the Dark Savant (Sir-tech Software)
36:04 RoboCop 3 (Digital Image Design/Ocean Software)
36:44 The Koshan Conspiracy (Computer’s Dream/Ubi Soft Entertainment Software)
37:31 Comanche: Maximum Overkill (NovaLogic)
38:16 The Legend of Kyrandia (Westwood Studios/Virgin Games)
39:27 Electo Body (xLand Games)
40:03 Jill of the Jungle (Epic MegaGames)
40:55 Pushover (Red Rat Software/Ocean Software)
41:45 Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (MicroProse)
42:54 Wolfenstein 3D (id Software/Apogee Software)

Quelle: Dosnostalgia

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