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Erstes 2vs2 Turnier für BfME2

Bevor ihr das Spiel in den Händel haltet. Startet BfME Tournament den ersten
2v2 Double Elimination Cup für BfME2.

Und das Turnier wird es in sich haben. 256 Teams mal 2. Oder 512 Spieler !!

Runde eins ist am 25 April 2006. Macht diesen Tag in euren Kalender. Und sucht euch schonmal einen starken Spiel Partner. Mehr Infos kommen in den nächsten Tagen.

:uk: English Version[MEHR]
Well before some of you even have the game, Sledgehammer of BFMET (Battle for Middle Earth Tournaments) has announced the first 2v2 tournament for BFME2. Since it is a 2v2 tournament, you must sign up with another player, and it will be a double-elimination tournament, meaning that every team has 2 lives. And yes, this tournament will be quite massive, with a cap of 256 teams of 2 or 512 players! Round 1 is currently scheduled for April 25th, 2006, so check your calendars, and figure out who you want your partner to be in this tournament.

Sign-up info will be coming out in a few weeks, so if you are intrested, check the BFMET site, and be on the look out for the next update on this tournament.

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