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Patch 1.6 im Gange

Ja, wie der Titel schon sagt, ist der Patch 1.6 im vollem Gange. EA tüftelt weiter an vorhandenen Bugs und will den Gamern besseren Support liefern.
Auf dem offiziellen Generals Board befinden sich diesbezüglich zwei Kommentare:

Dear C&C Generals players,

Just a short update for interested parties.

1. QuickMatch: Lately the server has been fairly unreliable and we sincerely apologize. We’re taking steps to ensure that it gets up and stays up. We’re diagnosing the servers themselves and also checking/testing code to see if its actually the matchbot. Either way, we’ll let you know.

2. Patch 1.6: Not too many specifics at this time – other than that we plan on releasing one. The driving issue is how the game specifies ports for firewalls. There is a bug in this code that prevents some players from reliably setting ports in some instances. This should offer more reliable work arounds so most players can play games over Generals Online. There are also some balance tweaks (some are unit bugs) we’re looking to do but we’ll have more info on this later. We also hope to include some more multiplayer/skirmish maps. No release date yet but we expect to see it in the next few weeks.

3. Ladder Kit: This is in testing but other things are taking priority – primarily things noted in #2. We ARE working on it and it will come out asap.

4. Contests: Col Burt is working on some contests that will be announced onn soon.
Harvard Bonin
Command & Conquer Generals
Electronic Arts

Hello Guys and Gals,

Just wanted to let you know that we are still working hard on patch 1.6.

Let me recap what’s being worked on:

We are testing the firewall/router fix that I had mentioned before. We believe that the problem lies within editing the options.ini file. If everything works out the way we suspect, this fix should be of great help to those whose routers/firewalls don’t work with Generals by default. I don’t want to go into a lot of detail here until I have more definite information about the fix and that it will actually cure the problems that we are hoping it will.

We are still looking at the Data Mismatch issue. We’ve received some replays that were submitted by players within the same game and are in the process of reviewing them. I’ve forwarded the information that many of you have contributed here. A lot of you seem to think that it’s related to selling a Command Center that is under attack which we’ll be looking at.

There is also a list of gameplay issues that we’re addressing as well. Harvard has addressed some of them in his post here.

Please be patient as we are taking more time with this patch to allow for more fixes. I know that these are trying times for those of you that are awaiting some of these fixes, but be assured that we are working on them.


Col. Burt
Production Support Technician
Command & Conquer Generals
Electronic Arts

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