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Filed under: C&C Renegade Mods, PC

Renegade: A New Hope verlässt NOVA

Die Mod Renegade: A New Hope hat das NOVA-Modding Team verlassen, und ist dem ConquerGaming-Team beigetreten. HTMLGod’s (leader) Worte sollten für sich sprechen…:

As you have no doubt noticed, we are now at a new location, Hopefully this won’t come as a huge surprise to most of you, things have been weird over at NOVA lately. There are a lot of reasons for this big move – Bryan (NOVA Admin) didn’t meet any of the recruitment promises he made us, the forums were unreliable, tons of people had access to our FTP, the administration was unaccepting of negative feedback towards the end. Furthermore, because of all that happened at NOVA with the Generals mods WWIII and Energy Mod, NOVA’s bad rap made it hard for us to get our news published, no one wanted to support the modding group that seemingly tried to kill those two mods. In case you didn’t notice, the forums were down a lot over there, primarily because NOVA had too many people in power, and one went AWOL just about every week.

Anyway, Bryan and I got along pretty well for a while, so I hope he doesn’t take this too hard. I think NOVA has just been full of disappointments for him, and for that I am sorry. In any case, though, my concern has always been with this mod and its success, and not the success of some affiliation like a mod alliance (which is basically what NOVA was).

Well here we are at Conquergaming, a general gaming site with focus on CnC in the Edge network. I think thinks here will run a lot more smoothly, be more reliable, and that when this newly born CnC website grows into something great, Renegade: A New Hope can grow with it. I hope to stay hee until the conclusion of this chapter in my life. That’s saying a lot, considering all the places that SWMOD has been – We started off on, in a free hosting account with 5 megabytes of webspace, if I remember correctly. Then we went to Panther’s world, he’s the former webdesigner for Renalert. Next was NOVA, an ambitious modding alliance that never could live up to the hopes and dreams of its founders. And now we’re here, at, a week-old website on a prestigious network.

I guess this is goodbye to NOVA. Goodbye to Bryan, Morphixx, everyone over at the NOVA forums, and ModernWarfare our sister mod with whom we trade talent from time to time. Sorry, Bryan, it just wasn’t meant to be.

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