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Filed under: C&C Generals Mods, Mac, PC

Neues vom Call to Arms Mod

Das Call to Arms Team hat zwei Render zum einem vom Tornardo Gr.4 und zum anderen vom A-400M veröffentlicht.

Hier die Orginal Meldung:

Two United Kingdom aircraft renders, which were done by Orcapilot26, can be seen below.

The one on the left is the Tornado GR.4, the latest version of the RAF“s primary attack aircraft. Capable of supersonic speeds and flight at low-level, the aircraft is one of the most potent in the world today. It has one Mauser 27mm cannon and up to 18,000lb of ordnance. Available weapons include Paveway 2 or 3 laser-guided bombs, ballistic or retarded „dumb“ 1000lb bombs, Cluster Bomb Units (CBU), Storm Shadow cruise missiles, Brimstone anti-tank missiles, Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missile (ALARM) anti-radar missiles. For self-defence, Sidewinder missiles are carried.

The one on the right is the A-400 transport plane. You can view information on this aircraft by looking at the news post directly below this one.

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