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Neuer Blitzkrieg 2 Patch – V037

Die Blitzkrieg II Macher haben nun einen neuen 4 MB großen Patch veröffentlicht. Hier sind einige Änderungen:

Money- The money system has had some heavy changes. First off, your Command Bunker no longer generates 2600 in cash every 40 seconds as it did in v035. Once you get the 2nd exp point upgrade (the one that gives the medium tanks and airfield) you can buy a „wire transfer fund“ upgrade. This works similar as before except it gives $500 instead of 2600. It also increases as the game progresses…to the point where after an hour of having the upgrade you now get 90000 every 40 seconds. The other change in the money system is that civilian buildings can no longer be blown up into rubble. The buildings take damage as before, but now when their HP goes to 0 they don´t die…it stays there. This enables people to go repair cities and solves the cash problem that plagued some games. As a side effect, this also puts more emphasis on ground vehicles instead of airplanes…since now it is best to bring in some armored support to ensure the enemy doesn´t rebuild the city.

Armor/Heavy Tanks- All of the heavy tanks got price decrease along with increased effectiveness against medium tanks. This is to pursuade players to use the heavy tanks more, instead of airplane spamming.

Pillboxes now require the 2nd exp point level (again, the medium tank/airfield tech level). For base defence in the early game, you now have the „Guard Tower“ which is very similar to the Pillbox except early game units can actually hurt it (mainly grenade and flame weapons).


Aircraft- Ground support planes now deal more damage to heavy and superheavy vehicles. Gone are the days that it takes dozens of IL2´s 10min to kill a Maus. It only takes about 5 IL2´s to take down a Maus now (this is also an additional reason for the heavy tank price decrease).

Officers- I´ve removed their pistol weapon and replaced it with something similar to the avenger targeting weapon from ZH. The officers also fire their weapon when inside buildings or vehicles (ones which let them fire out of…meaning not the transport trucks). Including a couple officer jeeps/cycles in with your attack force will increase your armies effectiveness.

Axis- Of all the sides, the Axis get the largest boost. The Panzer IV F2 upgrade now works; it gives the unit a larger gun, better armor (the side plating makes it much less vulnerable to bazooka attacks) and more hp. The Panzer IV also got a speed boost, since somehow before it was actually slower than the tiger. Another thing the Axis recieved was a slot on the Panther, a sort of „Command Slot“ where you can put in an officer (and only an officer).

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