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The Finest Hour – Konzeptpic

Wie ihr vielleicht noch wisst, hatten wir vor ca. zwei Wochen von einem Konzept-Pic Contest der Generals-Mod The Finest Hour[/URL] berichtet. Dieser Contest wurde nun abgeschlossen, und der Gewinner heißt Mr. Lang. Auf dem Konzept-Pic seht ihr drei verschiedene Gebäudeperspektiven, zu denen es auch verschiedene Beschreibungen gibt:

" target="_blank">Preview Administration – The „formal“ research building where all the pen-and-paper
work is done. Supposed to look like a clean brick German structure. The
front door may or may not be barricaded with sandbags and tank traps
depending on what people thinks looks best. There“s a back door and a door
leading to the rooftop of the manufacturing building. The balcony on top of
the main door is a good place to hang a few flags off of, otherwise the
building is quite unremarkable.

Manufacturing – The place where blueprints and ideas materialize. This
structure should be a big ugly slab of concrete complete with generic
smokestacks, a generic pile of barrels, and generic ventilation shafts. The
rooftop may or may not be lined with barbed wire according to aesthetics. A
view of the back shows an open garage where a prototype German tank sits.
When something is being researched the windows should probably flicker to
let people know that evil stuff is happening inside. The structure should be
roughly the same size as administration. [MEHR]

V2 – The courtyard behind both administration and manufacturing is well-lit
and fenced-off for a good reason. The V2 should sit in a slightly depressed
pit lined with sandbags. To add atmosphere targetting equipment could be
nearby, connected to the V2 by a mess of wires along the ground. A path
through the V2 courtyard connects administration and manufacturing.

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