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Filed under: C&C Zero:Hour Maps, Mac, PC

CnCDen – Neue Maps+Wallie

Auf CnCDen wurde ein neues Wallpaper veröffentlicht. Es wurde von ARISS(DJ) erstellt, und ihr seht es unten in Größe 800*600. Ihr könnt es aber in Größe 1024×768 oder 1280×960 bekommen, wenn ihr Hier vorbeischaut.

Für Großansicht auf das jeweilige Bild klicken

Und dann wurden noch vier neue Zero Hour maps veröffentlicht. –>Mehr Lesen


Emerald Valley: [by BlueI]
-This is a large 4-player eye appealing team based Temperate map. Features a river with a city sitting on an island in the center, accessed by bridges. Good supply of money along with a few oil derricks to capture. Plenty of room to build and expand.

Ruby Plateaus: [by BlueI]
-This is a 4-player eye appealing and colorful Desert map. Terrain is basically flat with some elevated plateaus. Good supply of money along with a few oil derricks to capture. Good amount of room to build.

Red Sea Battle: [by thomasalan]
-This is a 2-player eye appealing Island map. High plateaus surround the battlefield. Good supply of money along with lots of oil derricks and other tech structures to capture. Adequate room to build.

003 Explosive Oil: [by Flippster]
-This is a 2-player Desert map. There“s a limited amount of money, but a ton of oil derricks up for grabs. The oil derricks sit on plateaus. Adequate room to build. Download includes two versions of this map. One for skirmish mode (with scripts), and one for online play.

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