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Filed under: C&C Zero:Hour Mods, Mac, PC

The First Tiberian War – Update

Das Team des ZH-Mods The First Tiberian War[/URL] haben zwei neue Render- und ein neues Ingamepic veröffentlicht. Einmal den Stealthpanzer, genannt „Ezekiel“s wheel“ und dann wäre da noch die SAM-Stellung, auch „Flarak-Stellung“ genannt:


Englische Version
Stealth Tank [30 October 2004]
Here is the new stealth tank called „Ezekiel“s wheel“ by kane and protected by lazarus shields this unit is a truly terrifing weapon if used correct. I“ve taken the liberty of giving it a turret as it has one in the FMV and the turret will also make it alot more useful for making hit and run attacks on weakly defended area“s.

Sam Reskin [29 October 2004]
Ok there are going to be some changes, for a start the reskins thread is closed as it was impossible to tell where discusion on one skin ended and another started. So all new skins and updates will get their own thread

Here is the new SAM model and skin made by me, ingame shots will follow in the next week and war addict will have it poping up and down as soon as he can.

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