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World Rebellion – Soviet Tank Upgrades

Es gibt wieder was Neues bei World Rebellion[/URL]. Die Entwickler haben ein neues Upgradesystem für Panzer und Fahrzeuge. So kann man z.B. am Anfang nur ältere Modelle erwerben, die man im laufe der Zeit zu moderneren upgraden kann. Das variiert von einem neuen Turm bis zu komplett neuen Panzern. Es sind nur Fahrzeuge betroffen die nach Erwerb des Upgrades gekauft wurden:


Außerdem gibt es Umbenennungen bei zwei Russischen Panzern:
Der Soviet Heavy Tank heisst jetzt MK-1 Heavy Tank.
Der Soviet Medium Tank heisst jetzt S-85 Medium Tank.

Englische Version:
We have added a new addition to World Rebellion.
You can now upgrade tanks and other vehicles to newer, better models as the war goes on.
At the start of the war, you can only use the early tanks, but later on you will be able to buy upgrades and use new tanks or updates to tanks.
This can vary from a new turret and thus a new weapon, to an overall upgrade.
After some complaints at the forum, we have also renamed the Soviet Murkava and Kurva Tank.
The Soviet Heavy Tank is now named the MK-1 Heavy Tank.
The Soviet Medium Tank is now called the S-85 Medium Tank.
Below you can see a screenshot of the first version of the S-85 Medium Tank, and next to (left) it the S-85B Medium Tank, with increased armor and firepower.
When you buy a tank upgrade, it will only apply to tanks build after the upgrade has been applied:

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