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Filed under: C&C Zero:Hour Mods, Mac, PC

The First Tiberian War – Model-Remake

Das Team von The First Tiberian War[/URL] hat zwei Modelle neu gemacht, einmal die Kommandozentrale und dann noch den Light tank „Bradley“. Hier jeweils render und ingame:



Englische Version:
I“ve redone 2 models in teh past week which is good going as i“ve been on work experiance and have not been getting home most days untill 5.30. Well enough of the small talk, i“ve redone the communication centre which was in dire need of being redone, the light tank was also starting to look dated so i decieded i redo it aswell.

The newest version of the mod will be released to testers today so expect to see lots of new ingame pics.

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